Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- B.S. in Computer Science
- Selected Coursework
- Graduate Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Fundamentals of Statistics
Work Experience
Hudson River Trading | Women in Trading and Technology Intern
- Creating algorithms and performance optimizations
Freeman Lab @ MIT CSAIL, Cambridge MA | AI Research Intern
- Investigating novel methods for contrastive learning
Torralba Lab @ MIT CSAIL, Cambridge, MA | AI Research Intern
- Investigating Human-LLM communication and LLM representations of concepts like cats or ballerinas through the medium of sketches
- Moving LLM inference pipeline to Llama 90B run on GPU cluster
- Using quantization, performance optimization, HuggingFace accelerate library
Learning and Intelligent Systems Group @ MIT CSAIL, Cambridge, MA | AI Research Intern
- Best Paper Award @ CoRL LangRob Workshop, under review at ICRA
- Programming novel keypoint-conditioned diffusion policy; evaluating 20+ policy network variants utilizing Linux, PyTorch, HPC to improve robotic generalization; integrating multimodal models utilizing pointcloud encoders, object-wise attention/transformers, and vision foundation models, improving evaluation performance by 27.5%
- Creating Visual QA keypoint proposal pipeline with SAM segmentation, furthest point sampling, mark-based prompting, nonlinear optimization/rejection sampling (RANSAC)
Boston Derm Advocate, Cambridge MA | Software Development and ML Intern
- Trained Python machine learning models predicting dermatology product sentiment from 3000+ amazon reviews and ingredient data, narrowing 6680 features to 10 most relevant features using feature selection and improving Random Forest/XGBoost performance by 6.55%.
- Developed an automated web scraping framework for the PubChem site, facilitating the retrieval of data on 1.11 million compounds; enhanced efficiency by improving ingredient-compound association accuracy by 30%.
Genesis Group @ MIT CSAIL, Cambridge, MA | AI Research Intern
- Using Relation-Aware Graph Attention Networks to create commonsense-informed language embeddings
App Inventor Lab @ MIT CSAIL, Cambridge, MA | AI Research Intern
- Conducted at Research Science Institute, received Regeneron STS Scholar(formerly Westinghouse)
- Optimized pipeline, evaluated 10800 lines of generated code for testing few-shot prompt synthesis for LLMs
- Designed a novel few-shot selection algorithm p-mRMR, improving application generation performance by 55%
Project Experience
Optimized BF Compiler | HackMIT Challenge Winner
- Built an optimized compiler in C++ for the Brainf*ck coding language, achieving 1000x performance speedup
- Utilized intermediate representations, jump tables, pragmas, bitwise compression to enable efficient execution
- Won HackMIT challenge for our fast implementation, receiving a prize of $1000.
Cloud Resume Website | Full Stack Website with AWS backend
- Created full-stack resume website in Typescript with React.js/HTML/CSS frontend, Node.js/Python/AWS backend.
- Utilized a Serverless Application Model with Cloudfront, REST APIs, CloudFormation, Lambda, and S3 hosting.
- Built automatic CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions with pytest and Playwright for unit testing/integration testing.
Gas Data Analysis Report | 1st Place Report for Citadel Women’s Datathon
- Authored 10-page data science report in 8 hours about the regional impact of gas price flunctuations on poverty.
- Collaborated with teammates to utilize/clean four external datasets, perform the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for time series nonstationarity and Granger Causality - Testing for causal inference, and train four regional VAR models.
- Won first place out of 80+ invitees from 2000+ applications across North America, winning a prize of $10,000
Synthetic Medical Data Generation | Computer Vision AI Research Project
- Researched the generation of synthetic medical images using stable diffusion foundation models and Generative Adversarial Networks on glaucoma images, improving Kernel Inception Distance by 53% from baseline and deep residual neural network (Resnet) recall on glaucoma diagnosis on the JustRAIGs dataset by 2.5%.
RoomCraft | Top 7 in MIT Web.Lab Full Stack competition
- Developed a website combining productivity with gamification, with a React.js/HTML/CSS frontend, Node.js/Express/MongoDB backend, and ReactQuill/OpenAI API. Utilized Figma to generate mockups.
- Utilized Object-Oriented Design in file/note-taking system, user profile/friending, and game-like user interface
- Placed in the top 7 teams out of 450+ MIT participants, earning an honorable mention and $750.